News and Viewpoint

The fire drill activity in the ACLP International Building was successfully held

Time:June 25 2013

A large-scale fire drill activity was held in the ACLP International Building in June, 25 and the company invited Shunyi firehouse branch to attend and guide this activity. In order to imitate the real situation of fire scene, the personnel threw in the smoke shell to imitate the fire scene on the 9th floor of the building during the drill and 4 fire trucks of firehouse branch and more than 20 fire-fighting officers conducted to imitate the fire rescue. After the fire drill ended, the fire-fighting officers guided everyone how to use the extinguishment equipment on site. This drill improved the fire-fighting awareness and self-protection ability of the staffs and the leasing personnel of the building and made the personnel master the strain capacity and escape skills when faced with emergent fire as well as let them further understand the fire-fighting safety common sense.


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