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ACL Industry Research Institute’s first session of advanced seminar on innovation and development of the aviation logistics industrial park was successfully held

Time:December 14 2018

From December 11 to 13, 2018, the “First Session of Senior Seminar on Innovation and Development of the Aviation Logistics Industrial Park” of ACL Industry Research Institute was successfully held in Beijing ACL International Building. The seminar was sponsored by ACL Industry Research Institute and co-organized by the Beijing Chaoyang District Civil Aviation Training Center. More than 40 representatives from government departments, industry associations, airport management units, air cargo logistics companies, design planning institutes and college professors attended the seminar.

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ACL Managing Director Mr. Hu Tianmu delivered a speech on behalf of ACL Industry Research Institute. Mr. Hu said that ACL Industry Research Institute is a communication and practice platform where the airport groups at various places, airport economic zones and relevant units to learn professional management of aviation logistics parks. In the future, it will continue to carry out a variety of thematic exchanges concerning the hot and difficult issues in aviation logistics industry. ACL Industry Research Institute will combine the quality resources of the industry and all sectors to jointly build an industry expert think tank platform to train professional talents for the industry and become a training center and industrial research center for high-end operation management of the aviation logistics industry.

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During the three-day training, the experts and scholars from government departments, industry associations, airport management units and other related fields were invited to give special lectures at the seminar. Through discussions and exchanges, the participants were able to deeply understand the development of the comprehensive bonded zone, interpret the relevant policies of the state, explore the development of global logistics and exchange ideas for innovation and development of air cargo logistics parks.
Mr. Gao Hongfeng, President of China Express Association was specially invited give a special speech on the Situation, Status Quo and Development of Express Industry.

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Song Jianming, member of the Standing Committee of Shunyi District Committee of the CPC and Executive Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of Tianzhu Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, made a speech entitled Integrating Airport Resources, Improving Policy Functions, and Serving the Capital Development on the theme of “construction and development of comprehensive bonded zone”.

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Dr. Zhang Guoqiang, Researcher of the National Development and Reform Commission, Director of the Editorial Department of China Transportation Review, and an adjunct professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, delivered a speech entitled Thinking about the High-quality Development of China’s Logistics.

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Dr. Zhang Huijuan, Associate President of the Planning and Research Institute of China Civil Aviation Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., participated in the discussion with the topic of Planning and Design of Aviation Logistics Industrial Park.

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Zhu Qianhong, Vice General Manager of Guangdong Airport Authority and representative of Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress, discussed and exchanged ideas with the participants on the theme of Building an International Aviation Hub and Vigorously Developing the Airport Economy.

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Jiang Xu, Dean of the School of Logistics, Beijing Wuzi University, and Vice President of the Cold Chain Professional Committee of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, gave a special lecture entitled Logistics Status and Development.

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Mr. Zhu Qi, Vice President of GLP China, the largest provider and service provider of modern logistics industry parks in China, and Vice President of Shanghai G2Link Network Technology Co., Ltd., shared the topic Smart Logistics Empowers Operation with Technology.

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Finally, all the participants of the seminar visited the Capital Airport Air Cargo Logistics Park and relevant management personnel from 4 enterprises that are settled in the park were invited for the dialogue and exchange.

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After the seminar, the participants expressed that the seminar was one with a high starting point that produced good results with its quality courses, excellent teachers and good management. It was very systematic, targeted, guiding and practical, especially the first seminar was held in Beijing Capital Airport Air Cargo Logistics Park, which is of strong guiding significance to the airports at various places and relevant units in carrying out the construction of aviation logistics industrial parks. The participants believed that they all benefited from the seminar, which has not only enriched their knowledge, learned good methods and found the right way, but also triggered their new thinking on the development of the design and operation of aviation logistics parks.

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