News and Viewpoint

ACL Industry Research Institute’s second session of advanced seminar on the aviation logistics industrial park was successfully held

Time:June 21 2019

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From June 11 to 13, 2019, the “Second Session of Advanced Seminar on Innovation and Development of Aviation Logistics Industrial Park”, sponsored by the ACL Industry Research Institute and co-organized by the Civil Aviation Training Center, was successfully held in Beijing. More than 40 representatives of relevant government departments, airport authorities, airport logistics units, airport economic zones and port management units from Shanghai, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shenyang, Henan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Qingdao, Guangxi, Hubei, Shijiazhuang and Beijing attended the seminar.
During the three-day seminar and training, experts and trainees conducted discussion and exchanges on seven topics including the reform and innovation of the express industry, construction and development of China’s airport economic zones and comprehensive bonded zones, the status and development of aviation logistics, the planning and design of aviation logistics industrial parks, investment operation and smart logistics technology.

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Special expert Gao Hongfeng, President of China Express Association and former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transport, gave a special speech on The Reform, Innovation and Development of the Express Industry

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Special expert Man Qunjie, Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of Beijing Tianzhu Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, shared his Exploiting Unique Advantages and Improving Policy Functions - Exploring the Road to Innovation and Upgrading in the Comprehensive Bonded Zone

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Special expert Zhu Qianhong, representative of Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress, Vice General Manager of Guangdong Airport Authority, discussed with the participants on the Relationship between the Investment Operation of the Aviation Logistics Industrial Park and the Development of Airports.

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Special lecturer Mr. Cheng Bo, Director of the Air City Development Co., Ltd., made discussion and exchange with the participants on the theme of Investment and Operation Practice of Aviation Logistics Industrial Park.

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Special expert Ren Limin, Vice General Manager of China Airport Construction Group Co., Ltd. and Party Secretary of China Civil Aviation Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. gave a thematic discussion on Planning and Design of Aviation Logistics Industrial Park

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Special lecturer Mr. Yin Bo, Vice General Manager of the Planning and Development Department of China Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd., made a speech entitled the Status Quo and Development of Aviation Logistics.

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Special lecturer Mr. Zhu Qi, Vice President of GLP China, delivered a speech entitled the Smart Logistics and Its Application in the Operation of Logistics Industrial Park
Through the policy interpretation, domestic and international excellent cases, practical experience in park planning and operation, as well as the field visits to the Capital Airport Air Cargo Park, the participants systematically and comprehensively learned the planning, investment, operation and management skills of aviation logistics industrial parks. They said that the three-day discussion and study made them have a comprehensive and multi-angle understanding of the planning and operation experience of airport air cargo parks in various airports, especially Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other large airport air cargo parks. It is of reference importance to developing local airports and airport economy. The participants believed that they have benefited a lot from this seminar. ACL Industry Research Institute provided high-quality courses and good training services, and participants expected to have more opportunities for learning and exchange in the future.

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Hu Tianmu, ACL Managing Director expressed his hope that ACL Industry Research Institute will build a platform for the airports in various places and relevant units of aviation cargo to jointly learn, exchange and practice, and jointly promote the continuous improvement and development of the aviation logistics industry through “co-construction and sharing”. In the future, ACL Industry Research Institute will establish a think tank of industry experts and build a discussion and exchange platform through seminars, salons, special inspections and other forms to train professionals in aviation logistics. It is hoped that through the interpretation of the policies by authoritative expert and the sharing of the experiences from domestic and international outstanding parks and business operations, we will jointly build the think tanks of industry experts and high-end operation management training centers and industrial research centers.

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