News and Viewpoint

Roundtable forum on “Trends of Aviation Logistics Industry -Development and Transformation” successfully held

Time:January 21 2019

On the afternoon of January 21, 2019, the Roundtable Forum on “Trends of Aviation Logistics Industry-Development and Transformation”, sponsored by Air City Development Co., Ltd., was successfully held at Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing. The roundtable forum invited the top executives of relevant units to participate, including the ground service units, freight forwarders, cross-border e-commerce enterprises, medical trade enterprises of the Capital Airport Aviation Logistics Park, as well as the Administrative Committee of Beijing Tianzhu Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Capital Airport Customs, Tianzhu Customs, Capital Airports Holding Company, and GLP.
At the beginning of the forum, ACL Managing Director Hu Tianmu expressed gratitude to the guests attending the forum and delivered a speech on behalf of ACL. He said that ACL has always been committed to creating a world-leading air cargo platform, and worked with the government and related operating companies to strive for the continued growth of civil air cargo and building a safe, efficient and green ecosystem for aviation logistics industry chain. He hoped that the guests will speak freely about the new opportunities and challenges facing aviation logistics in the future, and jointly contribute to advancing the aviation logistics industry in Beijing and even in China.
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The roundtable forum was hosted by Mr. Cheng Bo, director of ACL Market Operation Department. A number of distinguished guests were invited to attend the theme discussions of the forum, including Zhang Hongkong, Vice Managing Director of Beijing Aviation Ground Services Co., Ltd., Cao Yang, CEO of ECMs International Logistics Co., Ltd., He Dawei, senior director of National Port at DHL-Sinotrans International Express, Li Bin, Vice General Manager of Beijing Harmony International Forwarding Ltd., and Li Lei, Vice General Manager of SPH Kyuan Xinhai (Beijing) Medical Supplies Trading Co., Ltd.
The host and five distinguished guests carried out in-depth discussion and exchanges on issues such as “transition and upgrading of the aviation property industry business model”, “opportunities and challenges brought by the rise of cross-border e-commerce to aviation logistics”, and “adjustment brought by medicine to the domestic cargo and mail market pattern”.

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The guests believed that, driven by new markets, new technologies, and new demands, aviation logistics companies will develop towards networked, informatized, personalized, and product-fragmented markets. Only the continuously transformed and upgraded business models, enhanced core competitiveness of products and the added value with improved services can suit the market development. With the upgrading of consumption brought by the improvement of national economy, cross-border e-commerce will become an important market segment in international trade. With the approval of Beijing’s cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone and the implementation of a series of policies such as the 1210 policy and cutting time and reducing fees, it will also bring new opportunities to the development of aviation logistics.
In terms of the rapidly developing pharmaceutical import & export trade, factors such as continuously upgrading of pharmaceutical distribution standards, diversification of sales channels, and the implementation of the two-invoice system will bring a challenge to traditional aviation logistics. It requires pharmaceutical industry chain companies (pharmaceutical companies, local services, and freight forwarding, etc.) to jointly establish more efficient, standard, and transparent operating procedures, striving to gradually extend services to the front end of the industrial chain and covering the links including R&D, production, storage and distribution, and sales so as to cultivate the pharmaceutical industry economy and build a pharmaceutical airport.
The roundtable forum has not only provided a platform for exchanges and dialogues between companies in the Capital Airport Aviation Logistics Park, but also provided an important reference for the government and related authorities to understand the demands for operation and development of the companies in the park, optimize the business environment, and foster industrial economy.
